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Clan Council : Newsletter 72
Posted by Hydro on 2011/8/7 21:20:00 (3391 reads)

Hey Guys! Remember last week I said change is a comin?
Well wanna know what it is? Come closer! a wee bit more!
Perfect! Well tis time for council elections again! That's
right, six months are up and new council can be formed!
Starting today and ending the 21st of august, you can apply
for one of the five places and starting the 21st of august and
ending the 28th the applicants will be able to be voted for
or against! So thats two weeks to apply and one week to
Requirements are you have to be a member for at
least a month and active! That's it! Tis a big responsability
so don't do it for the lols!

Apply here!

And onto less serious stuff......

New members: Let's welcome Foromorian to the clan! Not
Kirschtomper! Foromorian! Don't forget to add your [WPC]
clan tags!

MOTM Interview: Our own Hemi is doing the interview!
Jeej! You'll see it soon guys!

Competition: Remember guys! Ruldolph's competition is
about doors! So get creative! You only have 3 weeks left!


The server owned by LordDean is getting quite popular! But alas, another change
is coming! The whole server is gonna be reset so we can all live together with
out that bloody snow! :D teh ip is

Killingfloor: We would really appreciate if ye guys came up with ideas for
the servers whether it's mods, maps or difficulty changes! Change is good!!

Remember, there's always a wolfpack in the woods, that changes sometimes!

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Author Thread
Published: 2011/8/7 22:41  Updated: 2011/8/7 22:41
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 72
Election time!!!!!
Published: 2011/8/8 0:11  Updated: 2011/8/8 0:11
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Newsletter 72
Good letter Hydro...

Welcome to the clan Foromorian...And dont forget to wear your clan tags [WPC] WITH PRIDE.

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