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Clan Council : Newsletter 70
Posted by Alpha_Cephei on 2011/7/24 13:10:00 (5134 reads)

Goooooooddddd Morning Wolf Pack Clan! What about ye?
Let's get this week's newsletter rolling with our MOTM interview with Ozone who was verbally assaulted by my Eve partner in crime, Whisky

Whisky: So Ozone, first let me just congratulate you on Member of the Month 
Ozone: Thank you, thank you, I was wondering when I would be chosen! 
W: Ah, it's refreshing to see some modesty around here. I certainly don't have any.  
O: The WPC needs more of it!
 W: Indeed. So, to begin, for those new to the clan (like me) or those who haven't been properly introduced (like me) why not tell us who you are and what 
 you get up to in the Clan 
O: Ok, well my real name is Jason McMillan (Obviously my clan name is Ozone), I'm 16, I live in tropical North Queensland, in a town called Townsville 
(very original, I know) in Australia. I'm currently halfway through year 11 at highschool and plan on going through to year 12 then university.  My job in the 
clan is to create the polls (of which I have been very slack at as of late). 
W: What do you hope to study at University?
 O: Biology, and if luck is on my side, immunology. 
W: Interesting choice. Hope to discover a new organism and name it after yourself? 
O: Exactly what I was hoping to do! I'd name it the Ozonethrepod! 
W: haha, don't suppose if you find more than one there is a chance of me being named after one? 
O: Of course! It'd be called a Whisky-fly or something. 
W: =D Ok, now I've secured my mark in history let's move on.  You mentioned creating polls for the website, to date I've only seen one which was in regards 
to the TeamSpeak Server. Are they mostly of that vain or do you do a mix of things? 
O: I try and go for a 2-week cycle: one week will have a poll that is game/clan related, such as the TeamSpeak one. The next week will be a silly poll, just to 
mix things up.   If there is a holiday or event coming up, such as Easter or Christmas, then it might be on that. 
W: It was mentioned that you have only just recently moved back to Australia from the UK, if I may ask, what mischief were you up to over here? 
O: Around August last year my dad, being in the defence force, was offered to do a course over in England for a year. When I wasn't at school, I was usually 
being a terrorising teenager, smashing mailboxes and putting dog-poo in a bag, setting it on fire and putting it on people's doorsteps. 
W: That was YOU?! Lucky you are back around the other side of the world me lad'o! =P 
O: You'll never find me!! 
W: hmm... we'll see, we'll see... Moving quickly on. Did you enjoy your stay over here? Must have been just like home what with all the sun and lovly beaches. 
O: When I first got there, I didn't think I would enjoy it, but was a surprisingly enjoyable break from the heat. Until winter came, then it was just too cold. 
And the beaches were so strange! It wasn't lined with sand, it was lines with big ol' pebbles! That is not what a beach is. 
W: It's an art form being able to walk across those beaches without knackering your feet. And not all are pebbles. Thankfully.
O: It didn't look too comfortable for the people walking across it  
W: It's even funnier when the stones are hot. lol.  So taking things down a gaming route, if I fancy a game with you, where am I likely to find you?
O: Well lately I've been playing a lot of Grand Theft Auto 4, Red Dead Redemption and Skate 3 and Minecraft. Free-roaming games are my favourite genre 
of games, but I'm always up for a shooter like Cod or Killing Floor. 
W: That's a good mix of games there. Infact, I think a chunk of land you own on the WPC Minecraft server got in the way of my AirShip build.  
O: I lost track of where all my chunks are, so it's likely you'll run into one almost anywhere.   There's nothing more frustrating than mining underground and 
spotting a valuable mineral, only to find out that the land is owned by someone else.  
W: haha, yeah, although discovering the feather trick was a life saver for the co op builds a couple of us have. 
O: Haha, agreed. 
W: I suppose the next thing to ask would be is there anything you'd like to see the members of WPC getting involved with? 
O: I'd love our fellow wolves to get involved in any of the free-roam games I mentioned earlier, especially Minecraft. It's such a simple game but you'd be 
surprised how much you can get out of it. 
W: I second that motion, could get some truly epic builds out of that Now you've moved back to the AUS this might be a little harder to achieve but if the 
opportunity ever presented itself would you fancy meeting WPC members in person for the kicks? 
O: Without a doubt! I think I'd mostly relate to Hyrdo, since he is around my age, but seeing the wolves in person would be awesome. 
W: Brilliant. Given that it's now 3am my time I think it's time to bring this interview to a close. Any parting words of wisdom you wish to leave us with Ozone? 
O: I believe it was Confucius who one said "Man who drop watch in toilet is bound to have shitty time." 
W: Once again thank you Ozone, I've been your host, this is Whisky, signing off. Roll credits.
MrRuldolph has announced the winner!  This month it's............INSO!!!  Congratz Inso!  
To claim your prize, just saunter on over to Ruldolph's house (You can use my breaking and entering kit if you wish) and claim anything you want from his bedroom ^^
That's right, you heard it.  There will be a competition next month, though our beloved red nosed wannabe has just left for a 3 week camping tour around Europe.  
So we all wish him a great time and hope he gets back in one piece     He'll pick the winner once he's back behind his computer! 
Unfortunatly no new new members this week folks.  But I'm sure we'll pick some up shortly, even if I have to start beating down some doors.  I have my "persuasion" 
kit set and ready to go ^^ 
This is a UK server update for next week.  Another heads up here!  So everyone please read this carefully.  You can't say you haven't been warned!
--ALL UK server will shut down between 8AM and 12pm GMT(FTW) on Thursday 28th July

--They will be down for around 36 Hours unfortunately due to the logistics of LordDean moving house

--They will go back up Between 12PM and 6PM on Friday 29th July

All of this is subject to change if the need arises.
I do believe that's all for this week guys.  Hope you had a great weekend and remember there's always a wolf in the woods and one running in circles shouting 
Ciao ^^

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Author Thread
Published: 2011/7/24 13:43  Updated: 2011/7/24 13:43
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 70
Good one! Enjoyed that interview Whiskey :) Congrats to Inso on the win!! New competition will be posted by me cuz Rudolph didnt have time to submit it himself, but he trusted me to do the job.
Published: 2011/7/24 14:22  Updated: 2011/7/24 14:22
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/7/10
From: Winterhold
Comments: 1418
 Re: Newsletter 70
We're like peas in a pod Ozone!

Conrgats Inso!
Published: 2011/7/24 14:57  Updated: 2011/7/24 14:57
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/24
From: A bird's nest
Comments: 403
 Re: Newsletter 70
Nice interview and newsletter!
Published: 2011/7/24 16:10  Updated: 2011/7/24 16:10
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: Newsletter 70
Love your newsletters alpha!
Published: 2011/7/25 23:09  Updated: 2011/7/25 23:09
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/5/26
From: Northern Ireland
Comments: 1304
 Re: Newsletter 70
Cheers mate ^^

Great interview Whisky!
Published: 2011/8/7 20:39  Updated: 2011/8/7 20:39
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/5/21
From: Belgium
Comments: 1020
 Re: Newsletter 70
Ah ah, I love those interviews. It's always to good to see who we all are in real life.