Helloooooo Wolves! Newsletter 69! First off...
Comp closes next SATURDAY guys! The theme is water and only 3 entries so far! Let out the inner photographer!!
New members: None this week guys, ye need to be just a little more active!
Server News: Remember! The killingfloor summer event is over soon, so the monsters will be going away. If you want Steampunk foster (Which I do lol) Get the achievements!
MOTM Interview: The interview with MOTM Ozone will be soon! It will be done by our own Uisce beatha Whiskey!
Spam: If you guys want to check out my youtube channel, i would appreciate it immensely! www.youtube.com/user/Mianachceird I do minecraft and other video game commentaries!
And remember guys, there's always a wolf in the woods, and one in the water :D