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Clan Council : Newsletter 60
Posted by Snooze on 2011/5/15 18:10:00 (4637 reads)

Wow, newsletter number 60! So good to see all you wolves comin

back and having fun with us here :)

And there's yet another batch of wolves ready to get their tags on. Let's welcome:
Hope you feel as much as home here as we do!
We love our modded servers, here's the latest updates on them:
Fn-Fal for Commando
Colt Python for SS
And ofcourse Jason Voorhees (Jasoooooooooooooon!)
In short other news, we've had our first member hit that magic number 20. Congrats to
Alpha for being the utlimate perking whore! And since Rudeboy was the first to spot
Jason in the servers, he wins his very own shiny avatar by Hemi. Send in your request
Thats it for this weeks newsletter, cuz we're a lazy bunch of Long Fangs! And remember,
there's always a wolf being chased by a man in a hockey mask waving a machete somewhere.

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Author Thread
Published: 2011/5/15 18:22  Updated: 2011/5/15 18:22
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/7/10
From: Winterhold
Comments: 1418
 Re: Newsletter 60
Snooze, that has to be the best flower arrangement you've done so far lol

Welcome members and more ss weapons jeeeeeeej
Published: 2011/5/15 18:24  Updated: 2011/5/15 18:24
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/4
From: The Netherlands
Comments: 5133
 Re: Newsletter 60
good one!!!

Remember, the servers are in constant evolutionary state. So keep a close eye on all the posts in the forums
Published: 2011/5/15 20:46  Updated: 2011/5/15 20:46
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/11/17
From: Virginia
Comments: 224
 Re: Newsletter 60
I love you so much hemi, thanks for the new SS weapons :D..

I will love you more if you implement the gunslinger perk, Pistol only perk!!
Published: 2011/5/16 14:25  Updated: 2011/5/16 14:25
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/3
From: Round Rock, TX
Comments: 181
 Re: Newsletter 60
That Fn FAL is a sweet Belgian rifle, kicks the AK's ass.

I like the sound and the iron sights.

Can't wait to see that 'flower' bloom, Snooze.
Published: 2011/5/16 16:38  Updated: 2011/5/16 16:38
Club Manager
Joined: 2011/2/26
From: Brighton
Comments: 171
 Re: Newsletter 60
yay, I got a mention :p
Published: 2011/5/17 3:22  Updated: 2011/5/17 3:22
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/9/3
From: USA
Comments: 91
 Re: Newsletter 60
Welcome to all our new members in the clan! Once I get so unbusy with this semester I will finally be able to participate more again, looking forward to shredding one again with the Pack!