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Clan Council : Newsletter 51
Posted by Hydro on 2011/3/13 17:15:24 (3901 reads)

Hello Wolves

Another week another newsletter, this time from Hydro!

Lets start off with the highlight of the week, the interview with the MOTM - Tiddles!

This month, the interview was done by our very own Server master, Buzz.

MOTM Interview

Buzz: Introduce yourself
Tiddles: lol *cough* 38 this year, I live in the UK

Buzz: What do you do for a living?
Tiddles: The job I do is recycling garden waste... so thats trees/soil/grass
etc and turn it into compost which we then sell back to the general public
* hehe I use a big digger that's similar to a tank on tracks* so i get to play
with heavy machinery all day

Buzz: M8 gotta ask - why the beard? Not that we don't love it...
Tiddles: hehe I use it as insulation to keep my face warm. you need to
remember that I'm outside all day in all kinds of weather, only kidding it's
mainly because I'm too idle to shave everyday so I limit it to once a month.

Buzz: Can you do the moonwalk?
Tiddles: lmao, *imagines myself trying to do the moonwalk* that's a nope

Buzz: What was your favourite online game?
Tiddles: now there are loads so I will limit it to two games. AvP2 as it led
me to the WPC and this community. And the Battlefield franchise 1943 and
BF2 as these games we had alot of fun and we had some good laughs on
that franchise of games.

Buzz: Who was the first member you ever met from the WPC?
Tiddles: I have met loads of WPC members over the years and spoken to
alot of those, even gamed with most of them. The ones that stand out are
Solo and Manuman in the days of AVP2. *Theres are so many I can try
and name but it has been years since I first became a wolf* Those 2 are
the ones that stand out the most.

Buzz: What were your best memories of the clan?
Tiddles: Now this is a hard one as there are loads and loads. Meeting all the
old members in AvP2 for the first time in game/ meeting Buzz on his BF1942
server all those years ago and dragging him into the WPC
Buzz: I'm gonna cry!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Buzz: What was it like when you ran Teamwolfpack?
Tiddles: Now I am going to be honest Firstly it was alot of fun and at the
same time very stressful at times. At the time we were moving onto BF2 and
the odd random game as everybody knows BF2 servers were only available
if you paid for them so that was a major pain in the backside and a costly part
for me and the odd member who chipped in towards the server. There was the
two sides of the clan: those that wanted to play competitive and those that
wanted the fun side of the clan. But in all it was an eye opening experience and
one I would do again if only I had the spare time *which I don't*

Buzz: Do you see any differences between now and the early times?
Tiddles: There are slight differences bit these are down to the new blood and
names on here now. The general feel of the clan is still very much the same as
it was at the start, friendly and a welcoming place to pass the hours.

Buzz: How do you feel about the WPC these days?
Tiddles: I feel the same as the first day I cam to the WPC, glad to be a part of
a fun and friendly community, that takes fun and friendship instead of being ogres
and forcing people to be a part of a clan that expects every member to be a part
of ladders/ comps.

Buzz: What do you think about the direction the clan is going towards?
Tiddles: To be honest, it's nice that the general idea is still the same as when it first
started, fun and friendship can't be beaten which is proven by the clan being up and
running for a very long time,

Buzz: How long do you expect to be associated with the WPC and why?
Tiddles: To be honest, forever if possible, well until i am unable to continue due to
lack of time/illness, so I guess for a very long time.

Buzz: Any advice for new younger members?
Tiddles: All I can say is just be yourself and have fun, talk on teamspeak and be
active on site and ingame when you can and as I said before, have fun
And our Photoshop Contest.......

Solo has put up a voting poll on the front page so vote for your favourite images,
in case you've forgotten the entries, they're underneath the poll box. Next week
we'll announce the winner and their prize :D
Caption Module: Some of you might've noticed the little pictures on the left of the
homepage, that is our very own Caption module :) Every day a new image will come
and the members get to put up their own caption for the pick, then others can vote
for their favourite.
WPC Radio!

Every so often, there'll be special radio nights courtesy of Hemi, the music genre will
change, and the info will be displayed on the homepage. So listen in peoples!!
New Members:

Lets say a welcome to our new members this week: Kishin Tatsuya and MrRuldolph!!
Welcome guys!!!!
Last but not least is our new upcoming stories by Snooze

That's right guys, our webmistress/Moon Howler is starting her new section of stories.
She'll start off with one member, who gives her a name, an object and a location and
she'll create something in her creative fountain of a mind, when the story is done, the
chosen member picks the next person to be written about and etc. etc.

Thats all this week guys, remember there's always a wolf in the woods, and one doing
blue steel

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Author Thread
Published: 2011/3/13 17:36  Updated: 2011/3/13 17:36
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 51
Good job again on the newsletter Conor! And tiddles, love the beard, love the interview. Nicely done Buzzy!
Published: 2011/3/13 18:47  Updated: 2011/3/13 18:47
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Newsletter 51
Fantastic job Hydro.!

Welcome to the new members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks snooze. was fun
Published: 2011/3/13 21:22  Updated: 2011/3/13 21:22
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/9
Comments: 520
 Re: Newsletter 51
nice interview to myself

and welcome to the new members
Published: 2011/3/13 21:27  Updated: 2011/3/13 21:27
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/5/21
From: Belgium
Comments: 1020
 Re: Newsletter 51
Nice interview. I'm really happy to see how you feel about our little community, Tiddles.

Aslo, welcome to our newest members, enjoy your stay as long as you wish.

Published: 2011/3/14 0:25  Updated: 2011/3/14 0:25
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/8/13
From: Red Line
Comments: 183
 Re: Newsletter 51
yay new story :3
Welcome kinshin and Ruldolph !!!!
also nice newsletter hydro xDD
Published: 2011/3/16 11:42  Updated: 2011/3/16 11:42
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Comments: 1902
 Re: Newsletter 51
another brilliant newsletter with cool upcoming updates - nice job council / hydro!!