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Clan Council : Newsletter 41
Posted by Hemi on 2010/12/19 14:40:00 (4346 reads)

Hello Hacks, I CALL HACKS!

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First up...Inso has bought the game called love and has gotten his first few
achievements on hard. That beeing said (public embarrassment FTW) here's
the interview with him and Conor, our member of the month :

>First thing's first
What's your name?
My name is Conor for those who dont know.
>Tell us a bit about your nick and your avatar! I know they're connected!
where to begin?
I know its hard to believe but i love the element water, and blue. I used to play
online using the name Hydroxate but people just called me Hydro and i liked it.
The avatar however, what can i say? I thought hemi couldnt beat the one i got
when i joined, but it is better tenfold. Its based on the Character "Jace Beleren"
from Magic the Gathering (i use him in game) he's a dude who summons water
> For how long have you been playing video games?
on the pc? for about 3 years, but i've been a console gamer since I was 4
>What was the first game that you played regularly?
I think it was Tekken
that was a sweet game lol
>Who do you live with?
My Mom and my evil twin and my 2 dogs and a hamster
What kind of dogs?
And pictures!
we have a samoyed and a labrador/collie, both pics are in the gallery
>Tell us about your studies, what do you study and what do you
want to become?
I study 7 subjects at school - music, english, gaeilge, french, biology,
maths and chemistry i hope to do Computer and electronic engineerin at
university next year
>Have you ever had an imaginary friend?
I never did, i had a twin instead :(
>What's the longest period of time you have spent without changing
your underpants?
XD i would say 20 hours lol
I'm a bit of a clean freak!
(Editor's note: You're not a man until you've lasted a week!)
>What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
scowl at my mother for waking me up, lol nah i just go to the living room and
watch tv for a half hour
> If you had to pick between eating cooked human meat or a raw bunny,
which would you choose?
cooked human meat, i'd never eat poor thumper
>If you were ridicously short, would you hide in a box?
I wouldnt!
I'd wear a little green suit and dye my hair ginger
>Which one would you rather sleep with, a ninja or a pirate?
ninja, they have shurikens and they have smoke bombs
> Name one unimportant thing you are really good at.
holding notes for ridiculously loong times
>If you could change/remove/add any law or norm. Which one would it be?
emmmm thats a hard question lol
i'd probably rename tuesday to bluesday
(Note: We'll make it happen as soon as Solo's taken over the world)
>If you had to remove either 5 weeks of the summer-holidays or christmas
holiday, which one would you remove?
summmer. I get boreed around july
>If you had to make a game about Twilight, what would it be?
i'd make a game where you kill the glittery face dude every level
>Do you like to wear womens underwear?
I cant say I do, I've been clean for 3 years now lol
>Your smile is obviously legendary around here. Tell us a bit about it!
ok, thanks lol
its a smile, i had my full smile when i was 7, but i had a gap, but it all fused together
when i was 8. and now its what you see today.
>What's the ugliest colour?
>How do you think the world is going to end?
you mean when i take over? lol nak i'd say meteor or something from space
>If you were a game, what game would you be?
just because i played so much time playing it as a child
>In a game of poker, if you had really good cards, would you gamble
with your kid?
lol i wouldnt
>Justin Bieber or Hannah Montana?
to die? or who do i prefer?
XD well they're both females....... hm.........
>If you could be really good at one thing, but had to be really bad at
something else. What would they be?
I'd be really good at memorising stuff and bad at sports lol
>Do you organize your thoughts?
I dont at all, I hate being idle
I like being creative for that reason
>You can have any animal as your pet. The animal would be very intelligent
and follow you everywhere. What animal?
i've always wanted a ferret or an eagle
Same here!
they're awesome animals
Yes. I love birds
>Left or right?
>or skip? :P
wait what?
>Too late
(Note: PWNAGE!)
>Christmas is just around the corner! What do you want?
a blackberry and an ipod touch.
>In a movie, would you be the bad or the good guy?
good guy, they get cooler powers
> If you could take a bath in any food...?
i'd take a bath in jelly
>When did you first get involved with WPC?
its 5/6 months tomorrow
>Perfect timing then!
>what's your favorite thing with WPC, and if you could,
would you change anything?
my favourite thing is the atmosphere, its perfect for the craic we have. If I had to
change anything it would be to have a bit more blue ;)
> You have the power to show our members anything you want.
A video, a song, a picture, anything!
> Say a phrase in irish!
"Tá áthas an domhain orm a bheith ball don WPC!"
"I'm so happy to be a member of the WPC"
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Lord Dean, Buzz and B-2 have set up 2 servers with this golden oldie, just to pass some
time till the big releases hit.
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Christmas WPC match
2nd Day of Christmas (boxing day) :
24.00 hours in Holland / Germany / Belgium / Sweden / France
23.00 hours in England / Ireland
18.00 hours in Newyork
17.00 hours in Texas
15.00 hours in California
17.00 hours in Equador
07.00 hours in Malaisia (lol...poor webby)
Any complaints about these times please let me know.
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Author Thread
Published: 2010/12/19 15:02  Updated: 2010/12/19 15:02
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 40
Funny stuff
Published: 2010/12/19 15:45  Updated: 2010/12/19 15:45
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/24
From: A bird's nest
Comments: 403
 Re: Newsletter 40
I'm going away for Christmas so you won't be seeing me on ts3 until the 5th next year.
Happy Christmas and have a merry new year!
Published: 2010/12/20 22:46  Updated: 2010/12/20 22:46
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/7/10
From: Winterhold
Comments: 1418
 Re: Newsletter 40
Have a good christmas insoooo :)

And all WPC members, HAPPY CHRISTMAS from Hydro!
Published: 2010/12/21 14:20  Updated: 2010/12/21 14:20
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/9/6
From: Ecuador, Guayaquil
Comments: 101
 Re: Newsletter 40
To all WPC member: Merry Christmas to all!!!
Published: 2010/12/21 23:09  Updated: 2010/12/21 23:09
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/11/2
From: Dallas
Comments: 52
 Re: Newsletter 40
i read'ed
Published: 2010/12/25 4:05  Updated: 2010/12/25 4:08
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/11/29
From: Toronto, Canada
Comments: 20
 Re: Newsletter 40
merry christmas ladies and gents!

can somebody fill me in on this boxing day match?
Published: 2010/12/25 11:51  Updated: 2010/12/25 11:51
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/7/10
From: Winterhold
Comments: 1418
 Re: Newsletter 40
@ Kablooie, I'm guessing its killingfloor lol
Published: 2010/12/26 1:38  Updated: 2010/12/26 1:38
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/8/13
From: Red Line
Comments: 183
 Re: Newsletter 40
the notes are
funny xD
Published: 2010/12/26 10:13  Updated: 2010/12/26 10:13
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Comments: 1902
 Re: Newsletter 40
excellent news letter and super interview - haha conor uses his right

merry xmas all and a happy new year!!! im still travelling so sorry about my absence...

...actually no im not! hahah xxx

im going to be pretty busy for the unforeseeable future - maybe till the end of jan...
Published: 2010/12/28 23:30  Updated: 2010/12/28 23:30
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/11/25
From: Ireland
Comments: 169
 Re: Newsletter 40
Merry christmas to all :D

Don't get too sloshed now :P