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Community : Scrapheap Released
Posted by Hydro on 2010/12/1 19:22:16 (9770 reads)

Ok guys, the Home of the Brute is finally finished, and it is on our very own server 5 with the brute.

Here's the link to the download:

A big thank you to arramus on his work! Thanks for helping create a space for our very own brute to reside in, the map is brilliant and has the authentic KF feel, be sure to add it to you map folders guys!!

Attached Files: scrap31.jpg 
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Published: 2010/12/1 21:42  Updated: 2010/12/1 21:42
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/24
From: A bird's nest
Comments: 403
 Re: Scrapheap Released
Can't wait to test it!
Published: 2010/12/6 1:30  Updated: 2010/12/6 1:30
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/9/3
From: USA
Comments: 91
 Re: Scrapheap Released
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