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Clan Council : Bluesletter 38
Posted by Hydro on 2010/11/28 12:00:00 (4346 reads)

I have been given the chance to write the Newsletter this week, Don't worry!!! It's not 2012 yet
What better to start with than our own Specimen! Yup, the brute is ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!! Our specimen is finally done, and we would like to say a huuuge Go raibh míle maith agaibh (Thank you) to all our members who have lent a hand with the development, it wouldnt be finished without your help!

And a Huge thank you to our fantastic four! Hemi - who made the modelling in 3DS Max, and made the beautiful albeit terrifying textures and sounds, Webley who coded and lead the project, Braindead and Benjamin who slaved away looking at codes just to get it perfect. You guys have made us so proud (I promised myself I wouldnt cry).

Here is the link to the promo vid:
Here's the link to the download page:

<---------------Here he is!!

With the brute finished, and the Festive season a comin, it's sure that we can have more occasional fun and in webley's words "Get P**sed on TS" lol

Thanks to all who partook in the Brute testing, it means alot to the community and we might even see it in an update!

The Specs of the brute are as follows:

>New Soundset
>New Animations
>New Gameplay Mechanics
>He can block headshots
>Berserker doesnt get thrown about so much
>Mutator affects normal waves
>Brute changes target when shot at

Servers: Wolfpackclan 5 :

Things to note about the brute: you dont need to include it in your command line for online servers, Enable it via webadmin and dont worry if it doesnt stay ticked it will still work!

And Arramus! How can we forget our own Scrapheap maker, you can follow his progress in the forums here ... only-map-in-progress.html don't forget to check it out, it's awesome!!!

New Members: -Seth-, Meemo and Linksupersayan, Welcome to the pack guys!!!
Click to see original Image in a new window
You can now post your avatar requests in the forums, and remember to add your [WPC] Clan Tag!!

And remember! We have a tinychat and facebook!

Also theres a new competition for our esteemed founder - webley. Make something that'll say goodbye or Feck off lol, whether it be a poem, image, song, the thought counts!

And remember, theres always a wolf in the woods, and a crazy one in the water lol

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Author Thread
Published: 2010/11/28 13:09  Updated: 2010/11/28 13:09
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/5/21
From: Belgium
Comments: 1020
 Re: Bluesletter 38
Ah ah, nicely done.

And welcome to our new members!

Published: 2010/11/28 14:05  Updated: 2010/11/28 14:05
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/8/13
From: Red Line
Comments: 65
 Re: Bluesletter 38
thx ! for warm welcome! =']
Published: 2010/11/28 15:25  Updated: 2010/11/28 15:25
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/4/3
From: Bakersfield, California
Comments: 1368
 Re: Bluesletter 38
Nicely done, Conor. and Welcome new members!

Published: 2010/11/28 15:53  Updated: 2010/11/28 15:53
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/9/6
From: Ecuador, Guayaquil
Comments: 101
 Re: Bluesletter 38
hahaha! yea thanks and we have twitter too!
Published: 2010/11/29 0:12  Updated: 2010/11/29 0:12
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/11/17
From: Virginia
Comments: 224
 Re: Bluesletter 38
OMG yes I made it :D.. Thank you so much for all of your support! I can finally play with you guys on your private brute server.
Published: 2010/11/29 2:13  Updated: 2010/11/29 2:13
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/8/13
From: Red Line
Comments: 183
 Re: Bluesletter 38
Published: 2010/11/29 3:39  Updated: 2010/11/29 3:39
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/10/16
From: Philippines
Comments: 235
 Re: Bluesletter 38
The Brute is officially finished!

Take your well deserved rest guys; and Welcome to our new members!
Published: 2010/11/29 5:46  Updated: 2010/11/29 5:46
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/9/6
From: Ecuador, Guayaquil
Comments: 101
 Re: Bluesletter 38
Thanks JEmmaB!
Published: 2010/11/29 16:02  Updated: 2010/11/29 18:41
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/9/3
From: USA
Comments: 91
 Re: Bluesletter 38
Nice write up mate, I think for the time being our clan focus should be on getting the Brute white listed. After that we can rally tripwire for an official update via patch. Once he is whitelisted more people will play with the Brute, than we will have some serious numbers trying to get Tripwire to officially patch it.
Published: 2010/11/29 21:58  Updated: 2010/11/29 21:58
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/11/17
From: Virginia
Comments: 224
 Re: Bluesletter 38
The brute is evil.. I was the last survivor we were winning... then the brute bumped me right in to the middle of a group of 6 clots.. i was stuck and died within 7 seconds while being surrounded on suicidal T_T