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Website : New Private Forum added
Posted by MrShad on 2010/2/14 15:40:00 (9359 reads)

I have taken the liberty of creating a new sub-forum called [WPC] Tactical Command. Here is the place to discuss clan tactics for upcoming matches, post practice schedules or simply share our experiences to our younger cubs. If you are WPC member and cant access, PM me or any fo the Administrators.

Hopefully it will become a repository of useful information on how to best defeat any enemy in any given situation.

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Author Thread
Published: 2010/2/14 15:59  Updated: 2010/2/14 15:59
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/5/21
From: Belgium
Comments: 1020
 Re: New Private Forum added
Wow, I'll have to peel my eyes on this one.

Published: 2010/2/14 18:40  Updated: 2010/2/14 18:40
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/1/30
From: Sweden
Comments: 216
 Re: New Private Forum added
You better do that mate. What clan will have it's leader embarassing their clans honour...just with poor game playing...