Ok first things first. Just want to give you a personal congratz mate on being member of the month.
And second unlucky for drawing me to do the interview. Ok so lets begin with the basics shall we?
Inso: Yepp
Inso: And thanks
> Q: What is your name?
> A: Sam Yousefzadegan Hedin, although I only use Sam Hedin. A bit shorter. Like everything about me, and on me
> Q: Where are you from?
> A: The middle/south part of sweden.
> Q:And what age are you?
> A: 16. If my friends are to be believed, 12
> Q: What is your favourite colour?
> A: Dark green, it's subtle and comforting.
> Q: Who do you live with?
> A: My mum, my 12 yo sister, my 9 yo brother and 2 dogs. And my alter-ego, ofc
Alpha Cephei: Well thats a given ^^
Inso: Yeah I mean, everyone talks to themselves sometimes, right?
Inso: ... Right?
Alpha Cephei: I do it all the time mate, why do you think I set things on fire^^
Inso: Exactly! It's not my fault I force myself to destroy stuff
> Q: Whats it like living with your younger brother and sister? Any fights? Deathmatches?
> A: It's like living in berlin 1945. I use earplugs when sleeping sometimes.
Alpha Cephei: Understandable
> Q: You are currently in school correct? What do you plan to do after you leave school?
> A: Yes, I am in school. Right now my hopes are to go straight to uni. Not sure about what I want to continue as though.
Right now I'm trying to decide between journalist, sociologist or maybe something with photoshop. I kinda jump between them day to day.
> Q: Do you have a girlfriend? And feel free to brag if she's a looker!
> A: No, don't have and never had. It's not that girls don't like me, I just don't think they see a guy who eats things he finds on the floor as boyfriend-material.
Scary girls seem to like me though. Not sure why.
Scary as in people who like Twilight and Rihanna.
I usually just tell them some jokes about pedophiles and they tend to go away.
Funny thing, life.
Alpha Cephei: Well mate, they clearly don't know what they are missing^^
Inso: That's what I'm saying!
Inso: They are missing out on 30cm of awesome.
Alpha Cephei: hahaha
> Q: OK next, Do you have any phobias?
> A: Not any that I know of. Sunlight?
Alpha Cephei: Thats acceptable
Now that's a little about you and your backround. Let's get started on some Wolf Pack questions.
> Q: So where did the name Inso come from?
> A: Originally I used Insomniac, but when I played TF2 in a clan people started calling me Inso. So I switched. Nothing more to it than that, really.
> Q: Cool! So, how long have you been with the wolves?
> A: I think it's about... 3 months now. Since summer anyway. Feels like I've been here longer.
> Q: What is currently your favourite WPC game?
> A: Killing Floor.
> Q: Do you think WPC should add any more games to the roster? If so, which ones would you like to see there?
> A: I have no suggestions actually. It's good the way it is.
> Q: Apart from your exceptional swedish humour, what do you feel you have brought to the clan?
> A: First, thanks. I hope that I have been able to come with at least some valuable input in some questions.
I think other people can answer that question better than me, and I'd love to hear what they have to say.
Crappy english, maybe.
Alpha Cephei: hahaha
Alpha Cephei: Yea, I had to cut you out on the humor, I am sorry for that ^^
Inso: haha, would've been to easy otherwise I guess too :P
Alpha Cephei: Yep, exactly, dont worry though, there won't be anything that tough later on ^^
Inso : Great, I hate thinking. Reminds me of school.
Alpha Cephei: We cant have that now ^^
Inso: Nope
> Q: Last thing from me about the clan. How are you liking your new avatar? and please elaborate about the goat head?
> A: hoho
The new avatar is ridicously awesome. It's badass but breathes sarcasm at the same time.
The goat head... I was in school and hade Basic computer. I had some time to spare, so I photoshopped together a goat and a parrot with a small touchpad, put it on facebook and tagged some friends.
Later, when I got home I saw one of those awesome signatures LD had done for some of the members and decided I wanted one.
I liked the "WTF" of a goat head on a parrot, so I touched it up a bit and added a gradient.
And some text, obviously.
Alpha Cephei: Excellent ^^
Inso: Thank you
And onto our next set of questions. Here's a few from the other WPC members. There are a few here that I was gonna ask but I'll let the the rest of the
clan get in on the action. I may be evil and force people to jump from multiple floors of their burning buildings,
but sometimes, just sometimes, I can be sorta nice
Inso: Go ahead.
> Q: Will you eat those green eggs and ham?
> A: Uh. Can I have the pink ones instead?
Alpha Cephei: Well, it's really not up to me......
Inso: Okay then, I'll eat them.
Alpha Cephei: haha OK then, next
> Q: How does it feel to have the best internet connecton in the WPC?
> A: haha. It feels like everyone wants to kill me and steal my internets.
*Puts his internet in a box and hides it*
That's how internet works, you see.
Alpha Cephei: haha, we'll let that one slide eh?
Inso: No, wait. It feels good. But I wish I had the hardware to host a server.
Some day.... one day
Alpha Cephei: And we'll all be there, looking up at the sky and thinking, miracles really can happen ^^
> Q: I know the friendly nature here rocks, but in you own words, what do you think the WPC stands for and works towards?
> A: A place to take it easy, spam, discuss and play some games.
I think it stands for that and is working towards it all the time. Buzz is doing a GREAT job on the servers.
Snooze & Hydro are writing stories. Hemi and Webley have been working on The Brute, Woody has his own radio show, etc. And ofc all members are very nice.
> Q: Inso, I've heard you saying that you'd like to have a job as a story writer for games.
If you had to think of a game especially for the WPC what would it be?
> A: Hard question.
Since we are a community it would probably be a co-op game.
It would be a co-op story game, in the same way as borderlands.
But with fast-paced gameplay in the HL2 fashion. In order to complete the harder levels you would need to split up in small groups.
(2 and 2?) to flank around the enemy. Precise timing and communication would be required and it would take quite a few tries on the harder difficulties.
Actually, come to think about it, that game would not be so hard to make. There are mods for HL2 that adds co-op. I'd just need the mapping skills to make it. HUGE project though.
> Q: Have you ever sat on a boat shaped like a banana? If yes, show us the pictures. If no, Photoshop it please
> A:: I actually have. During the summers I sail sometimes and I once went out in one of those double-pontoon thingies.
If that counts.
If not, a canoe?
I could probably photoshop that.
Alpha Cephei: Yea that would count. You'll just probably have to show something after, just to prove it ^^
> Q: Have you learned anything from this clan or its members while you've been here?
> A: English, that there is a type of cactus that can get you high. Some things about other countries.
Alpha Cephei: What? Like potatoes are young and can grow some sort of facial hair?
Inso: My face is not a potato but it can grow some hair.
Alpha Cephei: That was a dig at my fellow Irish counter part ^^
Inso: Figures :P
And the last from our beautiful members......
> Q: má bhíodh tú níos óige, bhíodh tú ball den WPC ansin?
> A: Jag håller med helt och hållet och det här är min favoritfråga än så länge.
Alpha Cephei: Spoken like a true gentleman ^^
Inso: It's good that we can understand each other so well.
Inso: It reminds me of some fantasy-language that elves speak
Alpha Cephei: Yea it has a fairytale sorta twang to it
Inso: This might sound stupid, but isn't Irish a bit like Icelandic?
Alpha Cephei: Dont know. Never heard Icelandic
Inso: Neither have I, just thought about the Anglo-Saxons.
> Q: Before we go onto the very important questions, I have a house burning gang here in Northern Ireland, we are looking to expand a bit.
Would you be insterested in "spreading the word" there in Sweden?
> A: I would love to. Any specific types of houses? Gas stations, maybe? Government-buildings?
Alpha Cephei: Na, gas stations only have 1 level. More exciting with multiple floors. Apartment buildings are what we are trying to aim for now
Inso That could be done.
Alpha Cephei: Excellent, I'll pass on the details when it's a little bit more private. Anywho, back to the important things....
Inso: Posted on facebook. Hoping for response
Inso: Yes!
> Q: What is your favourite genre of game? and also what is your favourite game of all time?
> A: Tricky question, and I have been thinking about it a lot lately.
You see, my favorite game of all time is HL2. If you asked me a year back about my favorite genré I'd answer FPS.
But then I realized that I only like a few FPS's. HL2, TF2, KF, UT3.
The market is so flodded with bad/mediocre FPS's I don't know what to think anymore.
But I wouldn't say it's RPGs either, because the only real RPG I ever got through was The Witcher. (ME2 doesn't count IMO)
Inso: So I don't know.
Alpha Cephei: Yea its hard to choose, but thats why these are The Very Important Questions^^
Inso: I agree completely
> Q: Who is your favourite WPC member?
> A: ooooh. Har... Myself
Alpha Cephei: You cant choose yourself ^^
Inso: PASS!!
Alpha Cephei: These are no pass questions
Inso: You, ofc, baby.
Alpha Cephei: Really? Final answer??
Inso: Yes, you are one helluva sexy stallion. <33333
Alpha Cephei: hahah, fair enough, next question^^
Inso: *pfuh*
> Q: Do you like chocolate sauce? If not, what is your favourite flavour of sauce?
> A: Chocolate sauce is nice on ice-cream. But I don't like it with meat.
Béarnaise is tasty on most types on meat. Except for the really expensive stuff. With those I just go all natural.
It would be too juicy otherwise as I want my "fillet of beef" (it's called that according to my wordbook) to just "obtain an even browning"
> Q: If I was covered head to toe in Béarnaise sauce (since I am a hunk of meat^^) and were unable to move,
would you lick it off me?
> A: Can I have fries with that?
Alpha Cephei: And a shake ^^
Inso: Delicious!
> Q: In real life, do you think zombies can swim?
> A: I had a zombie friend once but he drowned when we were going to take a romantic bath in my bathtub, so I'm guessing No
> Q: If you could turn anything into blu tack with the touch of a finger, would you use your new found superpower to fight crime?
> A: I'd use it to fight crime AND commit crime.
Alpha Cephei: How? I mean please, elaborate^^
Inso: I'd search for some mafia holdout and turn the walls to blue tack. Then make it fall over them.
Inso: I would go to the closest electronic-store, turn the walls inte blue tack, dig a hole in the wall and take everything I could carry.
Alpha Cephei: Nice answers ^^
Inso: Nice questions.
Alpha Cephei: They get better ^^
Inso: Can't wait.
> Q: If you were made of wood, what wood would you be and why?
> A: Do they use wood to make dildoes?
Alpha Cephei: Maybe as a mold. If they did use them though, hmmmmm, splinters EEEKK
Inso: Pine, because it can be used to build houses and I would watch everything that happened in the house.
Inso: Not a bad idea actually.
Inso: Is there an education that turns you into wood?
Alpha Cephei: Woodstock maybe, honestly I wouldnt know ^^
Inso: I'll have to look that up.
Alpha Cephei: Its certainly worth noting
Inso: People have decided to join our apartment burning team btw.
Inso: One wants us to buy McDonalds first though.
Alpha Cephei: Damn, no messing about in Sweden^^
Inso: Nope, straight to the point.
Alpha Cephei: Well, we need to burn a few, get them scared, then we can offer a very low price and then they'll accept it
Inso: I'll pass that on.
Alpha Cephei: Excellent^^
> Q: Do you think life would be more insteresting if you were a gummy bear?
> A: I think I would know about the human body more. But no, I like being human. I've spoken to some gummy bears and it seems they'd rather be human.
Alpha Cephei: Yea I got the same impression myself. Just wanted a second opinion
Inso: Of course.
> Q: Why do you think Godzilla always attacks Tokyo? Do you think Godzilla is rascist?
> A: No, I just think that he is confused and needs help.
Alpha Cephei: If I give him your phone number, would you talk to him? I'm at my wits end
Inso: Sure, why not? If you want I could take him out sometime. He might just need some stimulation. We'll go bowling.
Alpha Cephei: Mate that sounds real nice. He'd appreciate that alot. I'll let him know, and you 2 can discuss when you'll meet up and stuff like that
Inso: Great!
> Q: Do you think a golf ball would have an active sex life?
> A: It does enter a lot of holes. And I guess it gets a lot of (tiger) wood(s). On a slightly unrelated note I think it might be masochistic since it takes so many hits.
Alpha Cephei: What if the golf ball could yodel, do you think it would get more hits?
Inso: If it would yodel I know I'D HIT IT REPEATEDLY
Alpha Cephei: Me too, thank god im not the only one
> Q: It's said no one can take you, is this true?
> A: Not all of it. No
Inso: About 3/4 gets left out.
Alpha Cephei: Well thats just a waste!!
Inso: It's good for BBQs.
Alpha Cephei: Good for quite a few other things too........uhm so I hear....
Inso: Yes, but mostly it just lies in the corner and collects dust.
Alpha Cephei: Very true indeed
Inso: 'tis a sad world
Alpha Cephei: Im sure when the worlds ready for it, we'll bring it back
Inso: Yes. And it will spread its... joy everywhere.
Alpha Cephei: just like our gang^^
OK mate almost done, one more question.
> Q: How does it feel to be WPC MOTM?
> A: That girl in pink is hot...
It feels great to be appreciated. And this interview was really fun to do.
Also penis, because we can't possibly end this withouth involving everyones favorite body-part.
Alpha Cephei: Very true!! And well said!!!
And thats a wrap mate. Thank you for your time, but mostly thank you for enduring my questions. Hope you enjoy the spotlight mate!!
And if technology had some crazy invention where you could hear what I'm doing right now, all you would hear would be a round of applause. Congratz mate and well done^^
Inso: Thank you for the great interview!
Alpha Cephei: My pleasure mate!! NOw everyone wants us to kill zombies!!! To the batcave!!!
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