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Clan Council : Newsletter 35
Posted by DJ_WooDy on 2010/11/7 16:50:00 (5515 reads)

Hey all, you're all in trouble now! This week, I get the priveledge of bringing you this weeks newsletter!!
This newsletter is brought to you by The Brute (Not just a cologne for stinky Wolves). And also by a little girl that can park better then me....

First off, i'd like to personally welcome the new wolf to our little pack, Mydian13! Now, on top of being able to put [WPC] in front of your name, you get the awesome choice of putting a request for a personalized avatar from our beloved Hemi. Just click this little red link, and you'll be magically taken to the worl....errr thread where you can give him an idea of what you want. Just make sure leave a tip in the tip jar.

WPC Love
Now, lets talk about a little thing i'd like to call "WPC Love". Many of you are probably wondering when you'll be able to wear a WPC shirt of your own, to your best friend's, cousin's sister's daughter's wedding. Well, wonder no more! (cause I dont even know) But, Hemi has found a FANTASTIC company that is world-wide, and is able to ship WPC merchandice all over the place without having to pay with your arms and legs. We are still trying to figure out how we will handle the money situation, but when Snooze figures out how you guys can give her all your money, we'll let you know! But here, take a lil sneaky peeky at what im talkin' about....




Shirt Close Up

Certainly we cannot forget about our MEMBER OF THE MONTH! Inso, our current MOTM, will be interviewed by our very own pyro-maniac Alpha Cephei this week sometime. AC asks that you check out his thread in our forums found here and send in your very own questions! So excited to see what you guys can come up with, before someone's house burns down


The Brute, scientific name ( Smashious-Yourfacious-into-a-Wallious ), is almost ready to do some major damage to the Tripwire community. Recently, our members have been testing out the marvelous work of the deadly three...Hemi, Webley and Braindead! Our members our encouraged to try out the new mutator still in the works here, and report anything you can so that the deadly three can get this baby wrapped n shipped!

A Change is COMING!! Spooky eh?
Our clan mommy Snooze, has decided to give a lad a name change. From this moment on, or a few mins after I post this thing, our lil spud Conor, will have his name changed to Hydro. So, congrats to getting your name changed, as you now have to submit 25 dollars to Snooze for her labor wages! Tada!!

...and lastly....

WPC Radio!!!

Its Sunday yet again, and I have no idea what the heck ill be playing!! (Go figure) So come and take a listen around 8gmt time, and I might be able to do some requests!
Oh, another thing...
Im gonna be planning out some sort of a schedule for the radio so its not always playing video game music. If you have any thoughts or suggestions on that, please feel free to hit me up!

OK, thats its from me this week folks.
So remember, there is always a wolf in the woods.....and maybe some bears......I think I saw a squirrel once too...

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Author Thread
Published: 2010/11/7 16:56  Updated: 2010/11/7 16:56
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/4
From: The Netherlands
Comments: 5133
 Re: Newsletter 35
see inso...hehe weve been working on it. Expect the official WPC shop very soon lads! JEEJ. official brute shirt would be sweet if it gets whitelisted now would it web?
Published: 2010/11/7 16:58  Updated: 2010/11/7 17:01
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/7/10
From: Winterhold
Comments: 1418
 Re: Newsletter 35
WOOOOOOOOOOP Thank you snooooooze!

Welcome Mydian!!

Buzz, lookin good!! Could be in Milan!!
Published: 2010/11/7 16:58  Updated: 2010/11/7 17:02
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/10/16
From: Philippines
Comments: 235
 Re: Newsletter 35
Hey welcome to the pack Mydian13!

The Brute is simply awesome! Great job guys!

Now TWI go whitelist that baby!

BTW; I'm loving the shirt & I never took Buzz for a model type.

Loving the pose...more of Buzz please!!!

And Great newsletter Woody!
Published: 2010/11/7 17:01  Updated: 2010/11/7 17:01
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 35
Buzz is gonna be on America's next top model next season!!!

Awesome newsletter Woody
Published: 2010/11/7 17:04  Updated: 2010/11/7 17:04
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/4/3
From: Bakersfield, California
Comments: 1368
 Re: Newsletter 35
HAHA!! Yes! I loved how it came out.
That was fun
Published: 2010/11/7 18:03  Updated: 2010/11/7 18:03
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/6/2
From: New York
Comments: 16
 Re: Newsletter 35
Welcome mydian13!

Don't tell anyone, but Buzz does a little modeling on the side....shhhh!

Great newsletter Woody!
Published: 2010/11/7 18:03  Updated: 2010/11/7 18:05
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/24
From: A bird's nest
Comments: 403
 Re: Newsletter 35
Nice post!
And those T-shirts look awesome, can not wait to wear one!
Published: 2010/11/7 19:06  Updated: 2010/11/7 19:06
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/4
From: The Netherlands
Comments: 5133
 Re: Newsletter 35

Published: 2010/11/8 0:36  Updated: 2010/11/8 0:36
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/9/3
From: USA
Comments: 91
 Re: Newsletter 35
Nice newsletter, those shirts are nice, I will gladly wear one to represent at tournaments for games our clan does not support such as Starcraft: Broodwar, and Super Smash Bros. Melee.
Published: 2010/11/8 7:36  Updated: 2010/11/8 7:36
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/5/26
From: Northern Ireland
Comments: 1304
 Re: Newsletter 35
Great newsletter!!

Welcome Mydian to the only clan that has it's own models^^

Btw loving the brutes scientific name!!
Published: 2010/11/8 10:34  Updated: 2010/11/8 10:34
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Comments: 1902
 Re: Newsletter 35
great job woody!! loved it
Published: 2010/11/8 19:44  Updated: 2010/11/8 19:44
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: Newsletter 35
Holy crap! I cant wait to get my hands on a T-shirt! OMG Im sooo happy!
Published: 2010/11/9 8:21  Updated: 2010/11/9 8:21
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/5/21
From: Belgium
Comments: 1020
 Re: Newsletter 35
Well done Woody.

And welcome to our new wolf!

Published: 2010/11/12 4:18  Updated: 2010/11/12 4:18
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/11/2
From: Dallas
Comments: 52
 Re: Newsletter 35
i feel like i should go back and reread elfquest or something.

thanx for the invite to the pack.. i cant promise i will be the most prolithic or humorous member of the clan, but i am loyal when i make a commitment.

i hope to get better at my modelling skillz so i can contribute to some projects, but im currently waiting for Killing Floor to go on sale before i purchase it, it is also something i can play mac-side, so it will be well worth purchasing, just not 20$ worth, at least not right now (maybe when im not so broke).. btw, is the AvP sdk/source out yet?

i game in spurts of interest, im currently on my mac-side (i game in bootcamp) so i havent been playing much the past week or so. im also a big japanese/anime fanatic and have been marathon watching some series or other (xxxholic and full metal panic), im also gearing up for my next semester, and thinking about taking blizz up on its free 7 days pre-cataclysm.

ill stop by and request an avatar later, maybe by next week, im not going to burden Hemi until im sure what i want and can live with.

thanx again packmates.