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Games : PS3 :: AVP Demo Patched
Posted by Hemi on 2010/2/14 11:40:00 (5002 reads)

AvP PS3 Demo Patched

Looks like we will have to download it again. Check out the press-release:

“SEGA and Rebellion can confirm that the first iteration of the Aliens vs Predator multiplayer demo on PlayStation Network has been taken down. An updated version of the multiplayer demo is available now on PlayStation Network.

The first iteration of the demo suffered matchmaking problems resulting in some players experiencing difficulties getting into matches. The new demo resolves this issue and PlayStation 3 players are now able to create their own matches and browse for any available matches.

PlayStation 3 players using the old demo will not be able to connect to matches running on the new demo, so Rebellion and SEGA would please ask that all PlayStation 3 users ensure that they are playing via the new demo only”

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