Joined: 2012/7/30
From: Kansas
Posts: 9
Application: Rhino3841
Name: Ryan Lewis
Birthdate: 5/16/1992
Why do you want to join:
Started playing DayZ last week. Have been getting tired of crawling around on my own, getting in the occasional gunfight with people I've tried to approach on friendly terms. Looking for the kind of experience a solid clan can provide
How did you hear:
Google's a man's best friend nowadays. Looked through a couple different clans, lurked their forums a bit. Felt like I'd be able to fit in best here.
How can you contribute:
I've been in quite a few clans before. I'm always looking to positivly impact any team. Being part of a team that communicates well leads to better success rates across all games. Also I rather enjoy the discussions/jokes ingame and try to contribute in those areas as well. Bottom line I can contribute great teamwork skills and contribute towards everyones gaming experience.
Games I play nowadays:
CoD, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, Halo, Battlefield, Total War series, Arma II (DayZ), Guitar Hero.
Favorite setup:
In games I typically favor being light and fast. Example: perfer lighter quicker vechicles to tanks. Also I have a knack for sniping in all videogames, I've been assigned Designated Marksman roles in multiple games/clans. Not a fan of heavy weapons but I can utilize them efficiently if the need arises (I just take less pleasure in killing people with rockets/GL over a well placed headshot) I love communication in-game, more the merrier.
Been in any clans before:
-=SC=- (Shadow Company....Medal of Honor allied assault clan), PapaWics (Call of Duty 1 and 2 Clan (Designated Marksman)), Mobile Infantry (Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 1 and 2(Alpha team - Designated Marksman/over-watch)), Various WoW clans.
PC, Xbox
Platform name:
Steam: rhino3841. Xbox: xDLew22x (my little brother changed my name when I went off to college....I use my fraternity bro's Xbox's at college may invest in my own this year)
I hope you find my application acceptable. I will be striving to fulfill any further requirements put forth. (I.e Post on the forums, teamspeak, etc.)
Hope to play with you all soon.
Very Respectfully,