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Posted on: 2014/3/24 17:21

Joined: 2011/5/25
From: SouthWest UK
Posts: 2393
Who's Who of WPC
So with new members knocking down the door I thought I'd put together a who's who in WPC. These folks are the key members of WPC that work behind the scenes to make things happen.


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Solo and Webley; these guys founded the clan back in 2002. Solo handles our home, the website and all that goes on in it. Webley just hangs around making the place look untidy... (just kidding, Webley is our secret weapon). They don't get involved in the running of the clan unless needed; when they do, their word is law.


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Snooze; Solo's right hand on the website. Snooze is the reason we are not bombarded by spam and other crap. Generally not a good idea to mess with our Snoozy. She isn't afraid to speak her mind or use her whip. A godlike woman.

Blood Howler

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Think our sight looks spiffy? See all those swanky avatars. They are all thanks to Hemi, our resident graphics designer. Fancy one yourself? Then keep an eye out for the avatar weekends Hemi does. I forgot to mention! Hemi is also responsible for most of our KF mods!

Lair Keepers

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Buzz and B2 host our servers, from KF to AvP if it's got our name on it has been signed off by the mighty Buzz (Grr) He also hosts our TS and helps Snooze with the website. You won't see B2 around the site much but he can be found on TS always ready for a game.

Although no longer able to host for us LordDean used to host our UK server for us and still helps maintain our severs.

Jack Of All Trades

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"Whisky is a jack of all trades, he entered the clan due to his collaborations with Hemi in mod making for KF, swiftly made his way onto council, all while taking excellent care of our servers. Oh and he also organises events such as D&D and clan matches; and dabbles in making and streaming videos. Jeez, give the man a rest!" -Snooze

The above have all put in innumerable amount of time (and money) into getting the clan to where it is today and keeping it alive far past the life expectancy of any other clan. ;)


Posted on: 2014/3/24 17:22

Joined: 2011/5/25
From: SouthWest UK
Posts: 2393
Re: Who's Who of WPC
OldSchool AvP2 Crowd

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(No Avatar for HotBlack =( )

Blaze, MrShad, SilentWolf & hubbie Hotblack. A good strong core of classic AvP players. Blaze single handedly kept he clan going at one point. True wolves.


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You like our TeamSpeak right? Well thank Hydro, it was his idea. Tic was a Longfang back in the day and after AvP2010 came out his computer broke so we didn't see much of him but he came back and showed us all he still games hard. (And Whisky keeps forgetting XD )

Clan Drunks

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Both Ex-Longfangs and both piss heads, these two can always be found online late at night half cut and making a mess, and everyone laugh of course ;)

More to come. ;)


Posted on: 2014/3/24 17:29

Joined: 2012/5/24
From: Behind you. (Netherlands :D)
Posts: 800
Re: Who's Who of WPC
Good idea. While the Codex and some pages have all the info, I have a feeling not everyone ends up reading that. "We have a codex?"
But people should know about these guys that have created a large part of this place.

They see me flyin', they running
-Dork Dragon Extraordinaire.

Posted on: 2014/3/24 17:45

Joined: 2011/5/25
From: SouthWest UK
Posts: 2393
Re: Who's Who of WPC
It's also a bit scattered about and not very clear. Which is why I'm doing this one.


Posted on: 2014/3/24 18:02

Joined: 2009/5/21
From: Belgium
Posts: 1020
Re: Who's Who of WPC
Whoohoo, I'm in the Top 5!

Good idea. A lot of names deserve a place here, still being active members or not. A lot of people have contributed in many many many manners in the clan building. Simply, get a look on the Long Long Fangs historic.


Posted on: 2014/3/25 12:49

Joined: 2011/3/6
From: Melboure, Australia
Posts: 438
Re: Who's Who of WPC
Glad to see something like this done, since it is not exactly easy for new members to find this information out for themselves. All the people listed below have done a great job so far, and I'm sure they will for years to come

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Posted on: 2014/3/25 15:43

Joined: 2012/2/15
From: Greece
Posts: 498
Re: Who's Who of WPC
Great idea indeed Whisky. All these members deserve to be known for all the effort and time that they have put into the clan.
Posted on: 2014/3/26 20:27

Joined: 2011/5/25
From: SouthWest UK
Posts: 2393
Re: Who's Who of WPC
Bump with some updates.


Posted on: 2014/3/27 21:34

Joined: 2010/6/6
From: Holland
Posts: 1149
Re: Who's Who of WPC
Lol i wonder what you have to say about me Whis hehe

Infinite creativity!!!
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Posted on: 2014/3/29 1:33

Joined: 2010/5/26
From: Northern Ireland
Posts: 1304
Re: Who's Who of WPC
I feel honoured just to be included in this ^^

Won't say anything about me being an ex LF or anything, but recognised as a clan piss head......very few could wear such a title with pride ^^

On a better note, it's great to see and show where this clan came from and what legends made it into such an epic place to be. These gents may not be round much, but it's a most deserved nod to them! Great work Whisky!

It's not ego, It's fact

"Alpha, you ginger Adonis" - TheBlade

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[WPC] Discussions
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[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Just passing by. 0 11484 2020/3/11 23:35 Weeperr
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat I Miss You Guys 2 13887 2020/1/26 5:06 Webley
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Whats up Family 4 23706 2018/7/20 23:37 Helldome
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Hello from Solo    [1][2] 13 57838 2018/1/11 23:37 LordDean
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[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Happy New Year! 5 44258 2016/12/25 21:55 RenownedWolfman
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Admin Applications? 3 38282 2016/12/16 5:26 theblade009
[PUBLIC] Applications & Recruitment CorkyT's Application 1 27654 2016/12/16 5:24 theblade009
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Happy Birthday Buzz!!!! 2 33059 2016/12/16 5:18 theblade009
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Wolf Pack Clan Application 9 52197 2016/12/16 5:17 theblade009
[PUBLIC] Games GTA 5 cars 1 29030 2016/2/20 0:33 Buzz
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEBLEY!! 1 34496 2016/1/17 15:09 Tic
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Merry Christmas !!!!! 1 33639 2015/12/25 22:07 Buzz
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO TIC!!!! 2 34726 2015/11/29 18:40 Oaksy
Killing floor Killing Floor 2 servers    [1][2] 11 71873 2015/11/29 17:17 Buzz