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Welcome to [WPC] Wolf Pack Clan Forum. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.
Total Topics: 4227 | Total Posts: 43306
The time now is 2025/3/9 2:04 You last visited: 2025/3/9 2:04:15 |
Public |
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[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat General discussions occurs here. Moderator Solo, Webley, Hemi, Cherry, Whisky |
683 |
7675 |
2020/4/24 6:52:25 Blitzkrieg  |
[PUBLIC] Website Discussions about the Wolf's Lair. Moderator Solo, Webley, Cherry, Whisky |
93 |
2056 |
2015/2/12 20:51:31 Timberwolf  |
[PUBLIC] Games Discussions about games. Moderator Solo, Webley, Snooze, Cherry, Whisky |
752 |
6530 |
2016/2/20 0:33:51 Buzz  |
[PUBLIC] Competitions Clan ladders and competions are discussed and organised here. Moderator Solo, Webley, Cherry, Whisky |
47 |
817 |
2014/7/2 3:56:06 Voodoofoo  |
[PUBLIC] Applications & Recruitment You want to join our fierce company, feel free to post your application here. Don't forget to register first! Moderator Solo, Webley, Snooze, Cherry, Whisky |
318 |
3048 |
2016/12/16 5:24:01 theblade009  |
[PUBLIC] The Trashcan This is the "spam" forum THERE ARE SOME RULES but if you really want to spam here is the ONLY place you can do it Moderator Solo, Webley, Snooze, Cherry, Whisky |
314 |
5507 |
2015/8/20 2:42:25 Alienkiller  |
[PUBLIC] Story Board Please place your stories in here! Fantasy or in-game is allowed. You can even role play if you like that kind of thing! You can also submit your ideas or character descriptions to our Moon Howlers here for up coming issues! Moderator Solo, Blaze, Webley, Snooze, DJ_WooDy, Hydro, Cherry |
60 |
313 |
2015/1/16 23:35:11 Timberwolf  |
[PUBLIC] Technical Questions Got issues with any games, our servers or hardware? Here is the place to ask them. Our resident Server Master Buzz wil try and answer your inqueries.
Moderator Buzz, DJ_WooDy, LordDean, Cherry |
64 |
398 |
2015/2/8 14:19:14 Tic  |
[PUBLIC] WPC Video Channel This is where we post ingame footage and other WPC related movies. (Not for posting funny trashcan videos - they belong in the trashcan forum) Moderator Solo, Webley, Hemi, Snooze, GanChan, DJ_WooDy, Cherry |
26 |
110 |
2014/1/28 19:02:24 Whisky  |
[PUBLIC] Music Music stuff! Moderator Hemi, DJ_WooDy, Cherry |
64 |
533 |
2014/11/20 0:41:35 Timberwolf  |
[PUBLIC] Movies/Tv Movies, Tv and other related multimedia Moderator Hemi, DJ_WooDy, Cherry |
20 |
156 |
2015/9/6 15:53:35 Darktiddle  |
[PUBLIC] Steam Trading Cards Topics about trading cards Moderator Sinwars |
11 |
40 |
2014/6/25 23:37:28 Sithlord82  |
Private |
Forum |
Topics |
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[WPC] Gold Games |
Forum |
Topics |
Posts |
Last Post |
AvP Aliens vs Predators Moderator Snooze, DJ_WooDy, Alpha_Cephei, Cherry |
62 |
480 |
2014/4/2 23:30:46 Zeeky  |
Killing floor Killing floor, shoot some zombies!! Moderator Snooze, DJ_WooDy, LordDean, Cherry, Sinwars |
303 |
2728 |
2015/11/29 17:17:26 Buzz  |
Halflife 2 Deathmatch Halflife, rocketlaunchers are for losers. Moderator Snooze, DJ_WooDy, Hydro, Cherry |
9 |
44 |
2013/10/14 11:38:41 Whisky  |
Killing Floor Modding Killing Floor Modding Forum Moderator Hemi, DJ_WooDy, Cherry |
56 |
417 |
2013/10/16 15:33:58 Whisky  |
Aliens Colonial Marines Aliens Colonial Marines Forum Moderator Hemi |
46 |
474 |
2014/7/1 8:05:33 Virion  |
[WPC] Other Games We Play |
Forum |
Topics |
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Last Post |
Minecraft Minecraft Moderator DJ_WooDy, LordDean, Hydro, Cherry |
25 |
302 |
2013/9/5 17:59:13 Hemi  |
EVE Eve forum Moderator DJ_WooDy, LordDean, Cherry, Whisky |
43 |
260 |
2014/5/10 9:16:16 LordDean  |
Battlefield 3 Battlefield 3 Moderator Snooze, DJ_WooDy, Cherry |
21 |
313 |
2013/11/6 1:30:33 Am_Gers2k11  |
DayZ DayZ forum Moderator DJ_WooDy, LordDean, Cherry |
45 |
514 |
2014/5/11 22:24:26 Cherry  |
Guild Wars 2 Guild Wars 2 Forum Moderator Solo, Webley, Hemi, Snooze, DJ_WooDy, Cherry |
48 |
312 |
2013/8/12 18:42:50 Morj  |
PlanetSide 2 PlanetSide 2 Moderator Mitchell |
22 |
128 |
2014/1/28 21:35:20 Morj  |
Pen & Paper Apparently this has to do with stuff like Dungeons & Dragons :P Moderator Whisky |
17 |
223 |
2014/6/2 8:22:02 Cherry  |
Star Citizen Star Citizen forum Moderator Tic |
15 |
55 |
2015/8/8 20:48:23 Tic  |
PAYDAY 2 PAYDAY 2 forum Moderator Hemi, Whisky |
11 |
61 |
2014/7/9 19:45:10 Sithlord82  |